Residency Course

ALS Cover

ALS and PT: Best Practice Recommendations

Faculty: Elissa Held Bradford, PT, PhD, NCS, MSCS

Course Description.

This online course series provides the learner the opportunity to review and apply prior foundational knowledge in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) to intermediate and complex clinical concepts and case scenarios to advance knowledge and clinical decision making skills in neurorehabiliation. An interactive review will start with ALS Trivia, progressing to discussion of best practice guidelines in ALS, intermediate and complex case scenarios across the spectrum of ALS, and completing with care of self for care of others. This course will challenge the learner to reflect upon individual practice beliefs and behaviors and their influence on health, wellbeing, and quality of life for individuals and families living with progressive neurodegenerative disorders, such as ALS, and of self.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course series, the learner will…

  1. Explain the pathophysiology of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

  2. Describe the most common UMN and LMN signs present with ALS

  3. Distinguish between ALS variations of limb onset and bulbar onset

  4. Discuss best practice interdisciplinary care guidelines and implications to PT, person-centered, value-based care

  5. Integrate end of life and family-caregiver considerations into PT clinical decision making and recommendations

  6. Develop appropriate intervention strategies when given case examples, based on early, middle, and late stages of ALS and best practice guidelines

  7. Reflect upon personal beliefs and behaviors and implications to best practice person centered care and care of self

The online course will be launched in Aug, 2019

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